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Balsamic Vinegar

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Balsamic Vinegar

...or aceto balsamico, in Italian, is a condiment that has been produced in Modena Italy since the middle ages. Tradizionale, or traditional Italian Balsamic Vinegar is aged from the "must," or concentration of the trebbiano grape. This grape must is then aged in wooden casks for many years until it develops its lush, syrupy texture and sweet flavor we have come to recognize as Italian Balsamic Vinegar!

*AIB (Association of Italian Balsamic Vinegar Tasters) Rating System

- 4 Leaves = A syrupy sweet Italian aged balsamic vinegar with complex flavors and a heady aroma; used for special dishes, with fresh fruit or on ice cream and certain specialty cheeses like parmesan and aged sharp provolone

- 3 Leaves = smooth, full bodied balsamic vinegar with a polished finish with tangy accents. This syrupy, full bodied italian aged balsamic vinegar is often used for roasted meats and fish, and in sauces.

- 2 Leaves = round and spirited, brisk yet vibrantly balanced. This lightly concentrated aged italian balsamic vinegar is suitable for marinades and steamed vegetables.

- 1 Leaf = light in flavor and consistency, a sweet and zesty aged Italian balsamic vinegar ideal for salad dressings and everyday use